Faith Copeland working mainly in watercolors and acrylics, also painting on silk,
 degree in Modern Language , speaks 8 languages, , Teaching Degree from Miami University,
 Undergraduate degree in modern Language (French and German) Vanderbilt University , Nashville Tennessee,
 degree in Art History  from Lund’s University in Sweden
 attended various art schools. Aero Art School  and Samso Art school  in Denmark,
 Has been  teaching, both language and painting as well as computer is doing web design for artists and others,
worked as a tourist guide in Spain and Sweden, Has been living in  Europe in different countries


A colorist with  a vibrant use of color, giving spontaneous free interpretations of situations, motifs from
 nature, beach scenes, small cafés, . Etc,
capturing the local atmosphere in each painting, the work is original, creative with primitive charm often
compared to
Rousseau, Henri,(1844-1910). and the use of color and light  as in Raoul Dufy (3 June 1877 23 March 1953)

 .Paintings express  
Joy of Life and a celebration of beauty with a deep love of the Seaside and The Sea, .   exhibited widely

In USA and Abroad in Museums, Galleries, and other venues

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